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Happy Mother s Day to every mother except this bitch

The image exhibits a black and white photograph of two individuals, one appearing to be a woman with a prominent hairstyle that suggests a dated fashion, which gives the impression of an older photograph, and the other appears to be a man wearing a suit and tie. Both have expressions that seem candid and unposed, as if caught in the middle of a moment or conversation.

Above the photograph, text has been superimposed with the phrase, "Happy Mother's Day to every mother except this bitch." The use of the word "bitch" is a pejorative term, generally regarded as offensive when referring to someone, and its inclusion in this context is intended to starkly contrast with the usually positive and affectionate sentiments expressed on Mother's Day.

The image might be found humorous by some due to the jarring juxtaposition of the Mother's Day congratulatory message with the exclusionary and negative shout-out. Mother's Day is traditionally a time for honoring and expressing gratitude towards mothers, making the sudden exception for the woman in the image both surprising and ironically funny in a dark or sarcastic way.

A part of the humor may also stem from situational irony—a scenario where an outcome is contrary to what was expected. In this case, one would anticipate universal well-wishes on Mother's Day, and the specific exclusion disrupts that expectation in an absurd manner, which can invoke amusement.

Another layer that might contribute to the humor is if the image is understood to be a meme or parody, without any genuine malice toward the woman depicted. In the culture of internet humor, creating content that subverts typical greetings or messages by introducing an element of shock value or crass humor is a common trope. People familiar with this style of humor could find the stark contrast inherent in the image funny within that context.

Lastly, the comedy could also be perceived in the context of the medium itself; memes are designed to be shared and consumed quickly, often with little to no backstory provided. The succinct and blunt nature of the caption coupled with a seemingly benign photograph can offer an element of surprise and absurdity, key components in many forms of humor. Happy Mother s Day to every mother except this bitch

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