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Before the Hawk Tuah After the Hawk Tuah Ocean Surface Elevation 5m Elevation 10m

The image presented here is a humorous before-and-after comparison of a geographical region, presumably a representation of a land area before and after a fictional event referred to as the 'Hawk Tuah'. The before image shows a green and brown landmass surrounded by blue ocean, suggesting a typical, unaffected geographic region.

On the left side of the image, the text "Before the 'Hawk Tuah'" is placed above the representation of the landmass, implying a normal state prior to whatever the 'Hawk Tuah' refers to. The after image, labeled "After the 'Hawk Tuah'" on the right, displays the same landmass but now mostly submerged in blue, indicating an increase in sea level with only a small portion of land remaining above the water.

The image employs a legend below the maps, denoting which colors represent ocean surface, areas of elevation less than 5 meters, and areas of elevation less than 10 meters. The intention here is to convey the comedic exaggeration of the consequence of the 'Hawk Tuah' — a term which is not explained within the image and can lead viewers to create their own imaginative backstory.

The humor in the image arises from the dramatic transformation of the geographic area solely attributed to the mysterious 'Hawk Tuah'. The implication that a single event could cause such drastic changes in sea level plays on the absurd and the unexpected — both key elements of humor. It exaggerates reality to a point that highlights the ridiculousness of the situation, making it amusing to the observer.

The fictional name 'Hawk Tuah' itself might evoke laughter due to its unusual combination of 'Hawk', typically a bird of prey, and 'Tuah', which might be a play on words or a reference unfamiliar to the audience, giving it a whimsical or nonsensical flavor.

Overall, the image uses hyperbole and the element of surprise, coupled with the whimsical nature of the term 'Hawk Tuah', to craft a scenario that is intentionally outlandish and amusing. The mismatch between a realistically styled map and an exaggerated fictional event prompts a light-hearted response and a chuckle at the imagined effects of the unknown 'Hawk Tuah'. Before the Hawk Tuah After the Hawk Tuah Ocean Surface Elevation 5m Elevation 10m

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