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How you think you look How you look to everyone else

This image comprises two contrasting photographs paired with captions, designed to create a humorous comparison regarding perceptions of vaping. The top photograph depicts a close-up shot of a man, presumably portraying a sense of suave sophistication, as he confidently uses a vaping device. The device looks high-tech and somewhat stylish, held purposefully between his fingers.

The caption above this photograph reads "How you think you look." This caption suggests that the individual using the vape believes that they appear positive or impressive in some way when they are vaping. The implication is that the vape user associates the act of vaping with a certain self-image, potentially one of modernity or maturity.

Beneath this first image, there is a second photograph with a caption that reads, "How you look to everyone else." Here lies the crux of the humor. This photograph is intentionally misrepresented by showing the man holding an object that's outrageously incongruent with the previous image – an object that looks like a large child's toy designed to mimic something else entirely.

By juxtaposing the two images, the meme plays on the often exaggerated self-perceptions individuals may have versus the reality of how others perceive them. This discrepancy between self-perception and external perception is a common source of humor, as it reflects a universal human experience of occasionally being less self-aware than we think.

The humor in this image largely relies on the visual shock of the second photograph, as it sharply contrasts with the classiness suggested by the first. The exaggerated replacement object is intentionally designed to look comical and undermine the seriousness the person may associate with their vaping habit.

The joke here is also a comment on the vaping culture. It highlights how some people may perceive vaping as a stylish accessory or a behavior that exudes a certain character, while others might not share this view and instead find it somewhat silly or absurd. This discrepancy in perceptions is what gives the meme its comedic impact, tapping into the broader conversation about the acceptance and judgement of new trends and habits. How you think you look How you look to everyone else

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