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A mistake repeated more than once is a choice Paulo Coelho

The image in question is a quotation meme that presents a saying alongside an attributed author. The text reads, “A mistake repeated more than once is a choice.” This statement is attributed to Paulo Coelho, a well-known Brazilian author best known for his novel "The Alchemist".

The visual style of the meme is straightforward – it employs a simple, elegant black background that contrasts sharply with the white text for legibility. The striking simplicity of the design is meant to make the quote stand out and ensure that it is the central focus of the viewer.

In the bottom right corner of the image, there is a portrait of a man who, based on the attribution, we are led to believe is Paulo Coelho. This image of the person is in grayscale and shows only the top half of his torso along with his head. The person is balding, with facial hair and an earnest expression on his face.

The humor in this image may not be apparent to everyone, as it depends on the viewer's knowledge of the individual's true identity. The image presented is not actually that of Paulo Coelho, but rather of another man often mistaken for him. This case of mistaken identity is an ironic twist because the quotation emphasizes the consequence of making the same choice repeatedly and yet, the misattribution itself might be seen as a recurring error.

Some people could find the image funny because it plays on the theme of the quote. The mistake of incorrectly identifying the man's image suggests a humorous contradiction — while the quote advises against repeating mistakes, the meme itself perpetuates one. This unintended yet repetitive error could be seen as a choice by the creator of the meme, yielding a chuckle from those who notice the irony.

Others might find it amusing due to the meta-nature of the joke. The humor arises from the fact that only people who recognize the true identity of the man pictured, and who are familiar with Paulo Coelho's actual appearance, will understand the joke. It creates a sort of 'in-joke' among those 'in the know', which can often lead to a shared sense of amusement and an appreciation for the subtle wit at play. A mistake repeated more than once is a choice Paulo Coelho

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