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Bert and Ernie Coke n Hookers

Once upon a sunny day on Sesame Street, Bert and Ernie decided to throw a party unlike any other they had hosted before. This wasn't going to be just any ordinary party; it was going to be a sugar party, a celebration dedicated entirely to sweets and treats of all shapes and sizes. The idea sprouted from Ernie's love for cookies and Bert's newfound fascination with baking, a hobby he picked up from spending too many afternoons watching cooking shows.

The planning began with Ernie and Bert sitting at their kitchen table, surrounded by cookbooks and notepads filled with ideas. "We need to have every type of sweet!" Ernie exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Cookies, cakes, candies, and don't forget the ice cream!" Bert, ever the organizer, nodded in agreement, but with a hint of concern. "Yes, but we must also plan some games and activities. We can't have our guests bouncing off the walls with sugar rushes," he reasoned.

The invitations were sent out, and the news of the sugar party spread like wildfire across Sesame Street. Everyone was buzzing with anticipation, curious about what Bert and Ernie's party would entail. The duo spent the days leading up to the event baking and decorating, turning their home into a wonderland of sweets. There were chocolate chip cookies, strawberry tarts, lemon meringue pies, and a towering chocolate cake that seemed to touch the ceiling.

On the day of the sugar party, guests arrived to find Bert and Ernie's place transformed. The air was filled with the sweet aroma of baked goods, and colorful decorations adorned the walls. But what caught everyone's eye was the centerpiece of the party: a DIY candy bar where guests could mix and match their favorite candies into personalized goody bags.

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