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Cinnamon bun 1 Not actual size Well no shit

The image features an interior view of what appears to be a large retail or grocery store, with a variety of shelved products and several customers shopping. The ceiling is quite high, characteristic of warehouse-style stores, and there are aisle markers with numbers visible, indicating different sections for shoppers to locate items.

Prominently displayed is a large banner hanging from the ceiling advertising a "Cinnamon bun" for $1. The image on the banner is of an oversized, appetizing cinnamon bun with a generous amount of white icing drizzled over it, filling up much of the banner space.

Directly beneath the cinnamon bun image, in smaller print, is a disclaimer stating "Not actual size," encircled in red for emphasis. The disclaimer serves as a clarification to avoid any confusion for customers who may otherwise expect a cinnamon bun the size of the one portrayed in the oversized advertisement.

Below the photo, part of the humor is captured in text added to the image, "Well no shit," which is a colloquial and somewhat crude expression conveying that the information provided (the disclaimer about size) is glaringly obvious. It's implied that virtually no shopper would reasonably expect to purchase a cinnamon bun of the monumental proportions shown in the image for a mere dollar.

The humor in this image largely stems from the perceived redundancy of the "Not actual size" disclaimer. To most observers, it would be evident that a cinnamon bun could not possibly be as large as the one depicted, so the necessity of the disclaimer strikes them as humorous overcautiousness or an obvious statement of fact that didn't need to be made.

This kind of humor, finding amusement in the stating of the obvious, is common in situations where formalities or regulations may require explicit clarification even when common sense would suffice. The juxtaposition between the grandiose image and the need to state the obvious can elicit a chuckle from those who appreciate the absurdity in such cautionary measures. Cinnamon bun 1 Not actual size Well no shit

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