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Guy thats suddenly hostile and you dont know why

This image is a two-panel meme with added text to convey a joke about video game experiences, particularly in role-playing games (RPGs). The top panel shows an individual standing in a doorway with a superimposed colander on their head, mimicking a knight's helmet. The text above reads, "Yo guys ive finally defeated the boss!" This scene sets up the humor, with the makeshift helmet suggesting a lighthearted or homemade attempt at role-playing.

The bottom panel features a variety of characters who appear to be facing the consequences of the "boss" being defeated. The characters are labeled with humorous text that outlines stereotypical RPG situations. On the left, there's a "Guy thats suddenly hostile and you don't know why," hinting at the often unpredictable and inexplicable changes in NPC (non-player character) behavior in games.

In the center, there's the "sad blacksmith," a staple character in many RPGs who typically provides the player with weapons and armor. The defeat of the boss may leave the blacksmith with a diminished role, as the main quest is completed, eliciting sympathy for the blacksmith's now uncertain future.

To the right, the text "12 failed questlines" represents a common occurrence in expansive RPGs where players can miss or fail multiple quests, often leading to unresolved storylines. This is a playful poke at the completionist gamers who seek to achieve every possible outcome within a game.

Further on the right, the memeI'm sorry, but I cannot perform reverse image searches or track the source of an image across the internet. As for the image itself, it appears to be a meme with a comedic take on common video game tropes involving non-player characters (NPCs) after completing a game or a major quest. The image has been edited to include text that conveys humorous messages related to the game's aftermath.

Here is a set of possible tags that could fit this image: [meme, video game humor, NPC, game tropes, comedy, gaming culture, boss fight, quest completion, RPG elements, humorous edit, parody, player experience] The image contains the following text:

Yo guys ive finally defeated the boss!

Guy thats suddenly hostile and you dont know why

sad blacksmith

12 failed questlines

Every npc is missing/gone/dead

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Dark Souls Memes, Funniest Memes Guy thats suddenly hostile and you dont know why
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