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I gave my uncle an edible and he said he didn t feel anything

The image depicts a man standing on top of a pool table with a cue stick in hand, seemingly in the act of playing pool. However, the humorous and unusual aspect is that the man shouldn't be standing on the pool table, as this is not how the game is traditionally played. The man is wearing casual clothing, and the surrounding area suggests this scene is taking place in a residential game room or basement, which has a relaxed and informal ambiance.

Accompanying the photo is a caption that reads, "I gave my uncle an edible and he said he didn’t feel anything," which adds a layer of comedic context to the image. The term "edible" commonly refers to a food item infused with cannabis, which is known to have delayed psychoactive effects. The humor arises from the implication that the uncle, after consuming the edible and initially not feeling any effect, is now experiencing altered behavior - such as standing on the pool table - likely without realizing how unusual his actions are.

The setting of the room includes the pool table with cue balls scattered around the surface, a cue stick resting against the table, and a light fixture hanging overhead, which are all typical in a pool-playing setting. The lighting suggests an indoor evening environment, and the uncle appears focused on playing the game, oblivious to the impropriety of his method.

The image could be considered funny due to the dramatic irony at play. The viewers of the picture, privy to the caption, understand the reason behind the uncle's strange behavior, but the uncle himself may be unaware of his comical incongruity with normal pool-playing etiquette. This creates a lighthearted, shared joke among those who see the image.

Beyond the situational humor, there's also an element of relatability that can make the image amusing to a wider audience. Many people have experienced or heard of stories where the effects of an edible took longer than expected to manifest, leading to unexpectedly humorous situations. Observers may find the image funny because it reminds them of their own similar experiences or tales they've heard from friends or family.

Lastly, the image may evoke laughter as it breaks away from the norm, creating an absurd visual of a grown man standing on a billiard table. The departure from expected behavior, especially in the mundane setting of a game room, offers a surprise that contrasts sharply with typical pools playing decorum, thereby tickling the viewer's sense of the ridiculous. I gave my uncle an edible and he said he didn t feel anything

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