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Raise a glass to our new yacht the c is silent Yes you re right it s very peaceful

This image depicts a two-panel comic featuring a man and a woman raising a toast on what appears to be a yacht at sunset. In the first panel, the man cheerfully suggests, "Raise a glass to our new yacht." The woman, with an equally cheerful expression, responds with a sentence that seems intended to play along with the toast, "the 'c' is silent."

In the second panel, the man, now alone in the image and maintaining a delighted, yet somewhat oblivious smile, responds with "Yes, you're right it's very peaceful." His response suggests he has misunderstood the woman's comment, interpreting it as an observation on the serenity of their surroundings (maybe he heard "peaceful" instead of "yacht" without the 'c' sound).

The humor in this image arises from the classic comedic device of a pun, combined with a misunderstanding between the two characters. The woman's statement "the 'c' is silent," when read in isolation, seems to be a linguistic comment about the pronunciation of the word "yacht," where indeed, the 'c' is not pronounced.

However, the man's response triggers the punchline. He seems to misinterpret her comment as the word "peaceful" rather than "yacht", creating an amusing situation where he acknowledges the tranquility of their environment without realizing she was making a pun about their initial toast.

The fact that the woman's expression in the second panel changes from delighted to bewildered adds to the comedic effect. It visualizes the disconnect between what she said and how he understood it, highlighting his humorous mistake.

The image plays on a social scenario where people aim to be witty and engaging, but sometimes communication gets crossed, leading to comical misunderstandings. It's the kind of humor that is accessible and relatable, which might explain why it could be funny to people who have experienced or can imagine similar situations in social gatherings. Raise a glass to our new yacht the c is silent Yes you re right it s very peaceful

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