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See you later love you xxx Love

The image appears to be a humorous screenshot compilation of a text message conversation layered above an image featuring an animated character with the caption "SKELETOR APPROVES!" The text message exchange starts with one person saying "See you later, love you xxx" and the other person replies "Love you too."

In the next part of the exchange, the first person requests that their partner include some "X's" at the end of their replies as a sign of affection, as indicated by the "xxx" at the end of their message. This appears to be something that is important to them and they hope their partner will reciprocate the gesture in their textual communication.

The punchline comes when the partner responds, "Ok, love you too Donna, Jackie, Karen and Becky," mischievously misunderstanding the request for kisses, the letter "X" being commonly used as a symbol for a kiss in text messages, to instead be first names of females, sarcastically implying a level of infidelity or misunderstanding.

The first person's response to this joke is a text message reading "Fuckin prick!!!" suggesting their irritation or pretend outrage at the partner's joke and failure to satisfy the simple request for more affectionate sign-offs in the messages.

The image concludes with a cartoon character, the iconic villain Skeletor from the "Masters of the Universe" animated series, raising his fists with a look of glee on his face. The caption "SKELETOR APPROVES!" suggests that this character endorses the mischievous behavior exhibited by the partner in the text exchange.

The humor in this image stems from the playful teasing between the individuals involved in the text exchange. The partner intentionally exaggerates their misunderstanding of the request for affection, leading to an exaggerated list of female names. Skeletor's approving response adds a layer of comical endorsement and the juxtaposition of a supervillain relishing in such a petty domestic squabble contributes to the overall comedic effect. See you later love you xxx Love you too Babe it would mean a lot to me if you d put some X s at the end of your replies xxx Ok love you too Donna Jackie Karen and Becky Fuckin prick SKELETOR APPROVES

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