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The invention of Cialis raised the number of syphilis cases in geriatric facilities by 52 in just 10 years Skeletor will return with more gross facts about your Meemaw

The image presents a two-part meme featuring Skeletor, an iconic villain from the 1980s cartoon series "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe." In the first part of the image, Skeletor is pictured with a bold expression, accompanied by a caption that reads, "The invention of Cialis raised the number of syphilis cases in geriatric facilities by 52% in just 10 years." The second part shows Skeletor from behind, walking away with the caption, "Skeletor will return with more gross facts about your Meemaw."

The humor in this image is multifaceted. Firstly, Skeletor is widely recognized as a character associated with evil schemes and fighting the hero, He-Man. The use of such a character to deliver a serious public health statistic creates a jarring yet humorous contrast. It's unexpected and plays on the absurdity of a cartoon villain discussing real-world adult issues.

The content of Skeletor's message is a surprising and somewhat taboo subject matter, discussing the sexual health of the elderly. The humor here arises from the discomfort people might feel when confronting the idea that the older population engages in sexual activity and that it has led to an increase in sexually transmitted infections. It's a topic not frequently discussed openly in society, which can lead to awkward or humorous reactions.

The statistic itself, whether accurate or not, is paired with the mention of Cialis, a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction, further compounding the shock value. The juxtaposition of Skeletor, a character from a children's show, talking about such grown-up topics adds to the comedic effect.

The term "Meemaw" is a colloquial and affectionate term for a grandmother primarily used in the Southern United States, adding a personal touch to the joke. By threatening to return with "more gross facts about your Meemaw," the meme humorously personalizes the narrative, inviting the audience to picture their own grandmother in this context, which could be both funny and unsettling.

Lastly, the meme may be humorous to some because it leverages dark comedy, a genre of humor where topics that are typically considered serious, taboo, or upsetting are treated with satire. Dark comedy often resonates with people who appreciate humor that pushes boundaries and challenges societal norms.

It's important to note that humor is subjective, and while some people might find this image funny, others might find it offensive or in poor taste due to the topics it addresses. The invention of Cialis raised the number of syphilis cases in geriatric facilities by 52 in just 10 years Skeletor will return with more gross facts about your Meemaw

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