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The only difference between flirting and harassment is your level of

This image is a two-part meme featuring Skeletor, a prominent character from the 1980s animated series "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe." In the top half of the image, Skeletor is depicted in a reclined and somewhat suggestive pose with a cheeky smile on his skull face. The accompanying text, "The only difference between flirting and harassment is your level of attractiveness," is a satirical take on the often subjective perception of romantic or flirtatious advances.

The bottom half of the image shows Skeletor hastily running away, legs in full stride, which is humorously labeled with the text "Skeletor is off to HR!" This part brings a conclusion to the joke started in the top half by insinuating that Skeletor's advances were not well-received and now he has to answer to Human Resources for his behavior.

The humor in this meme largely arises from the juxtaposition of a cartoon villain with real-world human interaction issues such as flirting and harassment in the workplace. Skeletor, a character who traditionally embodies evil and plans to conquer the universe, is humorously reduced to dealing with a very mundane and relatable predicament: facing consequences for inappropriate workplace behavior.

Additionally, the humorous effect is enhanced by the visual contrast between Skeletor's relaxed, confident pose while he delivers the line in the top half and his sudden, panicked reaction in the bottom part of the meme. This stark change in demeanor plays on the idea of immediate regret and comically swift justice within the context of workplace etiquette.

The meme also touches on the controversial and sensitive discussion about the boundaries and interpretations of flirting, highlighting how subjective and varied individual experiences can be. It pokes fun at the idea that the success of flirtatious behavior can sometimes hinge arbitrarily on one's attractiveness, which, in the case of Skeletor—a skull-faced, villainous character—would presumably be low.

Ultimately, the meme's humor works on multiple levels, from recognizing the absurdity of such a fantastical character dealing with human corporate policies to the broader social commentary. By presenting these ideas in a light-hearted and cartoonish format, the meme becomes both amusing and memorable for those who come across it. The only difference between flirting and harassment is your level of attractiveness Skeletor is off to HR

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