Top 50 COVID Memes
Hey there! Welcome to “COVID Memes Ranked” over here at—your premier destination to find the best chuckles and giggles the Internet has to offer about the pandemic. I’m your guide through the viral world of COVID memes, uniting humor and satire in these trying times. Dive in with me as we explore the top 50 memes about COVID that have been voted as the best by individuals like you, who know how to find a little light in the darkness.
Navigating through the pandemic has been rough for everyone, but if there’s one thing that’s kept our spirits up, it’s definitely the memes. Here, I’ve made it my mission to curate, rank, and showcase the crème de la crème of COVID memes. From toilet paper hoarding to Zoom call blunders, we’ve witnessed creativity and wit blossom in every corner of the Internet, and I’ve brought all that laughter into one, easily accessible place. This isn’t just any collection; this is a carefully ranked compilation where every meme has fought for its spot in the top 50.
The memes you’ll find here have been meticulously voted on through a mix of likes, shares, and laughter-induced tears, ensuring that only the best of the best make the cut. Whether you’re here to reminisce about the absurdity of 2020, find solace in the shared experience of lockdowns, or simply need a good laugh to brighten your day, you’re in the right spot.
Come join me in scrolling through the ultimate collection of COVID-related humor on “COVID Memes Ranked.” Each meme not only represents a moment of collective resilience but also shines as a beacon of creativity in the face of adversity. So, get ready to laugh, vote, and maybe even see your own sense of humor reflected in the ranks. After all, if we can’t laugh together, what are we even doing?
Remember, laughter is contagious, but in the best way possible. See you in the ranks!

Its funny sad because you thought we would have advanced and look at us doing the dumbest things possible.

The image depicts a split-screen comparison labeled "1st Jab - 6th jab" featuring two different people. The left side of the image shows a person with glasses, making an uneasy facial expression as if reacting to something surprising or unpleasant. Their eyes are wide open and the mouth agape, giving an overall impression of shock or alarm.
On the right side, there's a second person with glasses, smiling broadly with an enthusiastic and very animated facial expression. Their eyes are also wide, but unlike the first person, this individual appears to be extremely cheerful and lively.
The humor in this image stems from the exaggerated and cartoonish transformation suggested from the "1st jab" to the "6th jab." It implies that there has been a significant and humorous change in the person's demeanor and appearance over the course of several hypothetical injections, which is not actually the case since the images are of two different people.
The text and the visual change play on public discussions and various opinions surrounding the administration of multiple vaccinations or booster shots. The exaggerated progression from a worried first-timer to an overly enthusiastic multi-shot recipient is intended to satirize the experience some might relate to when discussing vaccine intake over time.
It might be funny to some viewers because it uses hyperbole – an exaggerated change in appearance and attitude that wouldn't really happen due to vaccinations – to create a comic effect. The light-hearted transformation illustrates a caricatured evolution that may resonate with people's own anxieties or attitudes towards vaccination or any repetitive medical treatment.
However, the amusement derived from this image can vary greatly among different individuals. Some might find the exaggerated difference between the two expressions and the implication of such a change becoming a humorous take on a common experience. Others might see it as a playful commentary on society's varied reactions to vaccinations. It's important to note that the humor is subjective and relies on the context in which the viewer interprets the images. 1st Jab 6th jab