Top 50 Dinosaur Memes
Welcome to my prehistoric domain, “Dinosaur Memes Ranked,” the ultimate corner of the internet where the Jurassic meets the jest-astic! Here on, I’m the page that roars above all when it comes to ranking the funniest, most ingenious, and utterly roar-some dinosaur memes the world wide web has to offer. Imagine me as the T-Rex of the meme world – big, bold, and commanding attention (but with considerably better internet browsing capabilities).
What sets me apart? Well, I’m not just any old webpage. I’m a specialized haven where the top 50 dinosaur memes battle it out for the pinnacle of prehistoric pun-ship. Here, you won’t just stumble upon a random assortment of dino doodles. No, each meme has clawed its way up the food chain to earn its spot in the top 50, based on the laughter, likes, and love they’ve received from fans like you. It’s a Jurassic Park of joy, minus the life-threatening perils.
Navigating through me is as easy as a Triceratops trot. You, the esteemed visitor, get to leap from meme to meme, indulging in the creativity of fellow dino enthusiasts who know their Velociraptors from their Veloci-pun-tors. And the best part? You’re part of the ecosystem too! Your votes help decide which memes ascend to the apex of the Apex Predators or, should I say, the Apex Editors.
Each meme is a fossilized fragment of fun, meticulously excavated from the depths of the internet and polished to perfection for your viewing pleasure. From the Cretaceous classics that never get old, to the freshly-hatched hilarities evolving from the latest trends, the “Dinosaur Memes Ranked” page on is your Mesozoic mecca of mirth.
So, whether you’re a dino devotee or simply a passerby looking for a chuckle, I extend my mightiest Tyrannosaurus welcome. Dive into the prehistory of puns, explore the era of entertainment, and most importantly, help us determine which dinosaur meme deserves to rule the land before time. Because here, in this Jurassic jungle of joy, every click, every vote, and every chuckle contributes to the natural selection of the finest dino delights. Welcome to “Dinosaur Memes Ranked” – where the age of reptiles meets the age of LOLs.

The image depicts a seemingly ordinary road scene that becomes extraordinary upon closer inspection. A casual glance might notice the vehicles first—a white van on the left and a red car ahead. They are driving on a two-lane road lined with trees and grass, which suggests a suburban or rural area. The sky is overcast, hinting at a gloomy or cloudy day.
However, the ordinary nature of this road scene is disrupted by a peculiar addition: what appears to be a giant lizard occupying the right side of the frame. This lizard, due to its position and scale relative to the surroundings, seems to be leaping across the road in mid-air, towering over the trees and the vehicles with ease.
The third element adding to the curious nature of this image is a blurriness that encompasses everything, implying the shot was taken quickly, likely with a moving camera—perhaps a smartphone from inside a vehicle. This lack of focus adds a sense of urgency and immediacy to the photo, as if the moment were captured in haste amidst a surprising event.
What makes the image potentially funny to some people is the juxtaposition of the mundane—a typical road scene—with the absurd, which is the presence of this out-of-place creature, reminiscent of a scene from a science fiction or fantasy movie. The incongruity between what is expected in such a setting and what is actually present strikes a chord of humor through its sheer unexpectedness and implausibility.
Additionally, the humorous aspect could be accentuated by the realistic details of the photo that make the scene almost believable at first glance. The well-integrated size and shadow of the lizard give the impression of a snap from a world where giant lizards roam freely and interact with human environments, creating a comical suspension of disbelief.
Lastly, the fact that the cars on the road seem to be carrying on as normal, with no indication of swerving or stopping because of the giant lizard, adds to the comedic effect. It suggests an alternate reality where such sights are perhaps routine, playing on the human enjoyment of absurdity where the extraordinary is treated as if it were perfectly ordinary. The combination of these visual cues results in an image that's both startling and amusing, creating a lighthearted moment for viewers in on the joke.

The image in question appears to be a humorous meme that has been created by digitally altering a photograph. The image features a person wearing a denim jacket and jeans, and in place of their head, there’s an edited image of a skull-like character with a mischievous or villainous grin. The skull character is a stylized, cartoonish figure with exaggerated features, commonly recognized as Skeletor from the 1980s animated television series "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe."
In the person's hands is an object that seems to have been digitally inserted to look like a long neck of a dinosaur, but on closer examination, it is actually a shovel handle which, due to the angle and perspective of the image, projects the illusion that the person is 'riding' the dinosaur. This play on perspective is a common photographic trick known as a forced perspective, which creates optical illusions by manipulating the human perception of depth or scale.
The top text of the meme reads "And just like that I'm banned from the dinosaur exhibit..." followed by a dinosaur emoji, which underscores the joke. The text suggests a scenario where the person’s action—pretending to ride a dinosaur (albeit with a shovel)—is whimsically the reason for being banned from a hypothetical dinosaur exhibit. This caption gives context to the visual joke and invites the viewer to imagine an absurd situation that would never actually occur in reality.
The bottom of the image shows some palm trees and a landscape that looks like it could be part of a dinosaur exhibit—or perhaps a zoo or tranquil outdoor scene—adding to the surreal nature of the scenario. However, since the image is edited, these could simply be elements from the original image or additional digital insertions to help sell the joke.
The humor here relies on several factors: the forced perspective trick that invites the viewer to suspend disbelief momentarily, the textual suggestion of an absurd event, and the use of pop cultural references like Skeletor—which might evoke nostalgia and humor for those familiar with the character. The juxtaposition of a fantastical element like a cartoon villain into an everyday setting creates a playful and surreal humor.
Lastly, the humor may also be appreciated by those who enjoy internet memes and visual puns, as the image plays with popular forms of online comedic expression. Internet culture often finds humor in the unexpected, the mash-up of disparate elements and the idea of playfully violating social norms, even if it's just a fictional scenario implied by a meme. Thus, this image might evoke laughter or amusement among those who are versed in the language of memes and enjoy lighthearted digital artistry. And just like that I m banned from the dinosaur exhibit

This sentence might be considered funny or ironic for several reasons, invoking both situational irony and humor linked with unexpectedness. The sentence starts off quite normally, with a parent expressing frustration about a previous piece of advice they gave to their son about a school project. Many parents have been in similar situations where they suggest something seemingly harmless to their child only for it to backfire or create unexpected consequences. This relatable scenario might elicit a chuckle within itself, setting up an expected narrative of humorous parenting fail.
The irony seeps in once we reach “Smoke meowt.” Generally, this kind of wordplay is associated with cats and, oddly enough, cannabis culture since it sounds close to 'smoke out'. The jump from a common scenario of homework help to a peculiarly cryptic yet amusing phrase is unexpected, adding an element of surprise humor, which is a vital part of most jokes.
Next, the term “Repeat” suggests the commencement of a sequence of unique elements, adding to the sense of suspense or unpredictability, contributing to humor. The unexpectedness of what comes next contributes to the comic effect, as one could never predict the absurdity that follows.
The phrase “Dinosaur dildo” is the pinnacle of the absurdity in this sentence. The unexpectedness, audacity, and crudeness of coupling a children’s favorite prehistoric creature with an adult sex toy rather create a humorous shock for the reader. This shock humorous technique relies heavily on violating social norms or expectations, a strategy often used in comedic writing.
The lighthearted, almost guiltless humor in “loll” at the end of the sentence comes as an ironic punchline. The use of internet slang often associated with laughter or amusement serves as a humorous link back to the casual and relatable tone that the sentence started with, despite the absurdity of the sentences in the middle.
Overall, the sentence is a series of unexpected and unrelated phrases following a common parental complaint, adding a comedic effect through the use of surprise, absurdity, and incongruity. This sense of irony and humor largely stems from the element of unexpectedness and the violation of social norms, resulting in a funny and ludicrously bizarre picture being painted for the reader. So, while it’s not a traditional joke with setup and punchline, it can still elicit amusement through its irony and comedic elements. This is the last time I tell my son to use whatever he finds around the house for his school projects Smoke meowt Repeat Dinosaur dildo loll