Top 50 My EX Memes
Hey there! Welcome to “My EX Memes Ranked” on, where the laughter never stops, especially when it comes to reminiscing about our exes. Here, I’m the ultimate hub for those hilariously relatable memes about our past loves (or, let’s be honest, sometimes our not-so-loved ones). It’s all in good fun, and what better way to heal and move on than by sharing a laugh or two?
I pride myself on being the go-to rank page for this very special category, showing off the crème de la crème of “My EX Memes.” That’s right, the top 50 memes that you, the users, have voted for. From those oh-so-sweet moments of petty revenge to the universally understood feelings of dodging a bullet, I’ve got it all. And the best part? This list is dynamic, always changing based on your votes. This means you’re seeing the freshest, most top-rated content that’s been tickling everyone’s funny bone at the moment.
Let me be clear: I’m not just any ordinary page. I’m a vibrant community’s favorite destination for sharing those “EX-ceptional” moments that hit just the right note of humor and catharsis. Whether you need a pick-me-up on a gloomy day or you’re looking to contribute to the ever-growing anthology of “My EX Memes” wisdom, I’m here to ensure you get your fix. Remember, while love might be temporary, memes are forever. Welcome to your new guilty pleasure – happy scrolling, voting, and maybe even a bit of posting, should the muse of past relationships inspire you!

The image shows what appears to be a shed snake skin laid out on a dark background. The skin is intact, maintaining the hollow form of the snake, with the intricate, delicate pattern associated with snake skins. It's arranged in a somewhat circular, coiled fashion, resembling the way a snake might rest.
Overlaying the photo is a caption that reads, "For sale, my ex’s old clothes." This text ostensibly offers the snake skin for sale as if it were a piece of clothing left behind by the poster's former romantic partner.
The humor in the image comes from the play on words between literal and figurative language. Snake skin is, in a literal sense, the 'clothing' of a snake, something it outgrows and sheds periodically as it grows. Figuratively, the term "my ex's old clothes" implies garments that a human might leave behind after a relationship ends.
The joke may also be referencing the colloquial use of 'snake' as a derogatory term to describe someone who is deceitful or untrustworthy—characteristics that people sometimes attribute to their ex-partners after a particularly bad breakup. By referring to the shed skin as their ex's 'clothes,' it implies a cheeky comparison between the ex-partner and a snake.
Another source of amusement could come from the absurdity of the suggestion that anyone would actually want to buy and own an ex-partner’s old clothing, much less a discarded snake skin. This contrast For sale my ex s old clothes

The meme is humorous because it plays on the double meaning of the word 'coke,' which typically refers to a type of fuel but can also colloquially refer to a narcotic. The implication here is that the ex's house is jokingly referred to as a place associated with 'light and coke' or less savory activities, making use of wordplay for a humorous effect.
CAS LIGHT AND COKE COMPANY. Just walked past your ex's house

The image in question is a still frame from what appears to be a science fiction film, featuring two characters in a moment of interaction. The character on the left is a woman with her mouth open as if she's talking or expressing surprise, and the man on the right is holding what looks to be a futuristic weapon. Both characters are dressed in costumes suggestive of a setting beyond the ordinary— the woman in a white dress and the man in a vested outfit that seems to mix practicality with a touch of rogue charm.
At the top of the image, there is a caption that reads "When the GF saw a pic of the ex," which is a setup for a punchline implied by the dialogue in the image. The woman's captioned words "You came in that thing?" is positioned underneath the characters, which humorously points to her disbelief or criticism about something that is not actually shown in the image.
The humor in this image largely stems from the juxtaposition of the caption with the dialogue from the movie scene. In the original context, the woman's statement is likely about a spaceship or vehicle, conveying disbelief at its quality or appearance. However, the added caption suggests she's instead reacting to a picture of an ex-partner, transforming her incredulity about a vehicle into dismay or scorn about a past romantic connection.
The fact that this dialogue is taken out of its original context and placed into a modern, relatable scenario—someone reacting to a significant other's ex—creates a comedic effect. It plays on the idea that ex-partners can sometimes be a source of comparison, jealousy, or curiosity in a current relationship.
The choice of these particular characters for the meme might also add an additional layer of humor for those familiar with the source material. Their dynamic in the original content may reflect a touch of sarcasm, defiance, or friction, which complements the humorous twist given by the meme's caption, poking fun at modern relationships.
Lastly, the meme is amusing because it leverages pop culture references to make light of real-life situations. People often find humor in applying the grandiose and dramatic flare of film to the mundanities of everyday life. It speaks to a shared experience—seeing someone's former partner—and spins a narrative that's funny precisely because it's so exaggerated and out of place. When the GF saw a pic of the ex You came in that thing