Top 50 Squirrel Memes
Welcome to “Squirrel Memes Ranked” on, your ultimate destination for the finest squirrel-centric humor the internet has to offer! As the premier page dedicated to showcasing the crème de la crème of squirrel memes, I pride myself on being the definitive source for anyone looking to dive into the nutty world of these adorable yet cheeky creatures. On this page, I’m excited to present to you the top 50 squirrel memes, as voted by our passionate community.
Here, at “Squirrel Memes Ranked,” every giggle, chortle, and belly laugh is taken seriously. Each meme has been meticulously selected and ranked, ensuring that what you’re scrolling through is nothing short of the elite in squirrel meme humor. From their infamous acrobatic antics to their insatiable love for nuts, these memes capture the essence of what makes squirrels both a fascinating subject of nature and an endless source of amusement.
As you navigate through the plethora of squirrel hijinks captured in these memes, you’ll notice that they’re not just ranked arbitrarily. No, each meme’s position has been determined through a rigorous voting process by fellow squirrel meme enthusiasts like yourself. This means that the meme ranked at number one has not only passed the test of laughter but has also won the hearts of the community.
So, whether you’re here to find a quick chuckle, looking to brighten your day, or even seeking inspiration for creating your own squirrel meme masterpiece, you’ve come to the right place. “Squirrel Memes Ranked” is more than just a page – it’s a celebration of the quirky humor that these little creatures inspire in all of us. So, dive in, enjoy the laughter, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll leave here with a newfound appreciation for the whimsical world of squirrels. Welcome to the nutty side of the internet, where the squirrels reign supreme and the memes are top-tier!

This image is a humorous meme that features a collection of three photographs of squirrels in various poses, accompanied by a caption that says, "Squirrels always look like they're in the middle of casting some type of spell or conjuring something." This playful commentary suggests that the squirrels' natural behaviors and poses can be whimsically interpreted as magical gestures.
The first photograph in the top left corner of the image depicts a squirrel standing on its hind legs with its front paws outstretched. The squirrel is holding a small object, which in the context of the caption, humorously resembles a magical incantation as if the squirrel is holding a wand or a talisman to cast a spell.
The second photograph, on the top right of the meme, shows a squirrel seated on a rock with its head tilted upwards and paws folded across its chest. This pose almost imitates a sorcerer in deep concentration or evoking an incantation, adding to the comical idea that squirrels have an air of mystical powers.
The third photo, on the bottom of the meme and spanning the width of the image, captures a squirrel with its body arched backwards, limbs outstretched wide towards the sky, and eyes tightly shut. This dramatic pose amplifies the humor as it resembles an over-the-top performance of a spellcasting or a summoning ritual, again playing into the idea that squirrels are tiny, unwitting wizards of the forest.
What enhances the humor in this meme is the anthropomorphic projection of human-like fantasy behavior onto these unwitting animals. People often find it amusing when animals mimic human activities or expressions, whether intentionally or, as in this case, through the power of suggestion provided by clever captions and imaginative interpretations.
Furthermore, the amusement is amplified by the widespread popularity of fantasy and magic in modern culture. Many individuals enjoy movies, books, and games featuring magical spells and enchantments, so the idea of relating these lovable creatures to comical, woodland magicians adds a layer of charm and fantasy to their otherwise common and innocent actions.
Lastly, the visual punchline of this meme is in its relativity and simplicity. Almost everyone who has observed squirrels can recall their quick movements and eccentric positions. The meme taps into this shared experience and adds a layer of fantastical humor that is light-hearted and universally accessible, making it funny to a broad audience. Squirrels always look like they re in the middle of casting some type of spell or conjuring something

The image presented shows a peculiar and amusing situation: a long trail of corn kernels evenly spread along a railway track in a snowy landscape. The caption above the image states, "Train car that was leaking corn," which provides a straightforward explanation for the surreal golden carpet laid out between the steel rails. The sight of so much grain outside of the usual storage or transport context is quite unexpected and creates a striking visual contrast with the snowy surroundings.
Below the photographic evidence of this mishap, there’s a humorous written comment: "What a fantastic f*cking day to be a squirrel." This caption adds a layer of humor to the image by invoking the perspective of a squirrel who would likely find this scene to be a delightful and bountiful surprise. Considering squirrels' fondness for gathering and feasting on seeds and grains, the comment imagines the joy and excitement a squirrel would experience upon discovering such an abundant and unexpected food source.
The humor in this image arises from several factors. Firstly, there's the absurdity of the scenario: a freight train unintentionally leaving a trailing banquet in its wake is not an everyday sight. It forms a visual punchline to the unspoken joke that transportation can go awry in the most bizarre ways. This deviation from the norm catches the viewer off guard, setting up the conditions for humor.
Secondly, the image’s humor is deepened by the personification of woodland creatures, which often serves as a comedic device. By attributing human-like reactions to a squirrel, the text encourages viewers to imagine the ecstatic reaction of wildlife to this corn spill, playing on the contrast between human concerns (like the mishap of lost cargo) and the simple, instinctual pleasures of an animal, which in this case is a massive, unexpected feast.
The mere scale of the spill also contributes to the humor. A small spill might have gone unnoticed, but the length and volume of the corn seen here amplify both the mistake and its potential consequences. It’s also funny to consider how something as robust and industrial as a freight train could be undermined by something as seemingly innocuous as corn kernels.
Finally, the humor is also found in the absurdity of waste juxtaposed with the implied opportunistic gain for local wildlife. While the situation likely represents a financial loss and logistical headache for those responsible for the grain, the 'silver lining' humor for an unintentional beneficiary (the likes of squirrels and birds) allows for a lighthearted take on an otherwise unfortunate event. The comment in the image cements this juxtaposition, making it a perfect encapsulation of how humor often relies on looking at a situation from an unexpected angle. Train car that was leaking corn What a fantastic f cking day to be a squirrel
Train car that was leaking corn What a fantastic f cking day to be a squirrel